[N]aruto 84 #1 October 5, 2019 1- We boast the simplicity of the server. Well,every round 100 armor + 1 flashbang + 1000$ ''vip-admin'' how does this fit in simplicity? armor is not given money anyway and save money constantly. Suggestion: No flashbang. armor-->Let's get one in two rounds 2- some of them are doing very nice bunny (look video). your anti bunny scripts are not smooth. Suggestion: maybe you can add another script 1 Share this post Link to post
[Zap Master] Marry * 2,057 #2 October 5, 2019 I agree. some of them do not do normal bunnyhop at all. Share this post Link to post
[N]aruto 84 #3 October 6, 2019 (edited) all you do is insert the code anti_bunny.sma or code #include <amxmodx> #include <fakemeta> #define BHOP_SPEED_X 0.75 #define JUMP_TIME 1.0 const OFFSET_PAINSHOCK = 108 new in_air[33], old_in_air[33] new Float:last_jump[33] public plugin_init() { register_plugin("anti_bunny", "1.0", "ozel") register_forward(FM_PlayerPreThink, "fw_clientPreThink", 0) } public fw_clientPreThink(id) { if(!is_user_alive(id)) return PLUGIN_CONTINUE if(pev(id, pev_button) & IN_JUMP) { last_jump[id] = get_gametime() } old_in_air[id] = in_air[id] if(pev(id, pev_flags) & FL_ONGROUND) { in_air[id] = 0 } else { in_air[id] = 1 } if(old_in_air[id] && !in_air[id]) { if(last_jump[id] + JUMP_TIME > get_gametime()) { set_pdata_float(id, OFFSET_PAINSHOCK, BHOP_SPEED_X) } } return PLUGIN_CONTINUE } public client_connect(id) { in_air[id] = 0 old_in_air[id] = 0 last_jump[id] = 0.0 } Edited October 6, 2019 by n`eat ^ [N]aruto 1 Share this post Link to post
смурф 2,123 #4 October 8, 2019 В 05.10.2019 в 20:13, Dresden сказал: Suggestion: maybe you can add another script you can enable speckeys (/speckeys) if you have any suspicion none of the plugins give 100% protection from bhop hacks 1 Share this post Link to post
[N]aruto 84 #5 October 8, 2019 I used this for a long time. It works very well. 100% effective against humans and zombies (except leaper). Share this post Link to post