1. General terms
1.1 Our Community is a resource for free communication within the general moral principles, communication culture and the guidelines of our Community.
1.2 The information and materials that you can find on our forum are for informational purposes only – the Administration does not bear any responsibility for it.
1.3 The administration has the right to punish a community member by the following methods:
Alert - Increase the overall alert level for Your account; message moderation - each message of the member who suffered this type of punishment will be checked by the administration before its publication; read only – ban on posting in all forums; permanent ban – the most recent level of punishment that prohibits a member from logging in with his account.
1.4 The administration has the right to issue any of the penalties listed in clause 1.3, relying on its experience, common sense and generally accepted norms of communication. You can appeal some penalties through the "Feedback".
1.5 It is possible to lower the general level of warnings one month after receiving the last warning. To decrease, refer to the Administration via the "Feedback" form.
1.6 In order to avoid conflicts between different classes of forum participants, any political, patriotic, religious and ethnic references (except for discussion of holidays), including pictures, signatures, "About Me" information, avatars and photographs are prohibited.
1.7 It is forbidden to discuss bans, kicks and other actions of administrators in forum chat. Complaints about the actions of administrators are considered in the section "Applications" - "Complaints".
2. Posting
2.1 Before creating a new topic, make sure by searching that there is no such topic in the Forum. If there is no such topic, then it's time to choose a section that is suitable for the content, next step pay attention to the Rules of this Section (if they exist), and only after that create a topic. Also try to make a description as informative as possible and give it an appropriate, capacious title. If you violate these conditions for creating the topic, you will certainly be punished.
2.2 Messages that contain grammatical, syntactic and punctuation errors, or excessive use of design can cause a negative reaction of other members, so try to write correctly.
2.3 The following are prohibited on the Forum: insults, provocation, rudeness, multi-posting, flood, spam, swear, off-topic, fraud and slander. No doubt you will be punished for all this.
2.4 If you are the starter of a topic that has suffered some changes or additions, and you need to convey it to other forum participants, then you have the right to raise the topic by publishing a new message, but only with a full description of the changes and / or additions. Otherwise, such a message will be deleted, and you will be punished.
2.5 In a particular topic there can be only one essence of reasoning, a departure from which is a violation. It applies to all sections of the forum, except Off-Topic.
2.6 The administration will prevent the publication and discussion of malicious software, hacking and any other topics, as well as links to them.
2.7 It is strictly forbidden to publish server and client "Counter-Strike" assemblies without the consent of the members of the "Administrator" group.
2.8 For more fair communication on the forum it is forbidden to give knowingly false information.
2.9 Any advertising is strictly prohibited.
2.10 In order to avoid misunderstandings between members, support and communication takes place in two languages: Russian and English. Abuse of speaking in other languages may lead to post restriction or you can be banned from the chat.
3. Sign Up
3.1 Creating multiple accounts per person does not welcome, this lead to closing previous profiles and punishing the last one or closing new ones.
3.2 It is forbidden to register names that are duplicate or similar to the names of other forum participants, as well as names containing clan tags that you are not a member of.
3.3 It is forbidden to register names containing: any obscene words, advertising, links, IPs.
3.4 The profile name must be readable. Profiles with only characters in their names will be blocked after the initial warning.
4. Signature (exception: "About Me")
4.1 It is forbidden to use Signatures containing:
4.1.1 more than 4 lines in total;
4.1.2 more than 2 pictures in total;
4.1.3 large format pictures;
4.1.4 external links (exception: for Administration groups)
4.1.5 any advertising (valid in "About Me");
4.1.6 large text.
5. Avatar and profile cover
5.1 It is forbidden to use avatars and profile covers containing:
5.1.1 any advertising;
5.1.2 links;
5.1.3 erotic, pornography;
5.1.4 shocking content;
5.1.5 direct references to membership in the governing groups of the forum;
6. Consent to the Rules and their changes
6.1 If you use our Forum, you are familiar with the Forum Rules and undertake to comply with them.
6.2 If you do not agree with the Forum Rules, leave the Forum or write to the members of the Administrators group with a request to make changes to them.
6.3 The Forum Administration reserves the right to change / add / cancel the Forum Rules at any time without prior notice to the participants.
6.4 Forum participants are encouraged to regularly review the Forum Rules to avoid violations and subsequent punishment.
7. Else
7.1 The administration reserves the right to restrict your access to the forum without notice and explanation.