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Популярные публикации

Отображение популярных публикаций с наибольшей репутацией за 01.07.2021 в Сообщения

  1. 3 баллов
    lul = lol хватит уже искать то, чего нет и из всех делать виновных)
  2. 2 баллов
    Ah, ok no problem.Maybe I am just "lucky" haha And no, I did not know that "lul" is asshole, I am romanian and I am used to fool around by writting "lil", "lul", "lel" instead of lol(a local meme here).Just for the memes.I also speak some german and I thought asshole would be the same like in german and not "lul".Damn, this ban was a bit funny and I learnt a new word in dutch. Thanks you for answering! And I wanted to say "lol" because I killed a zombie with a grenade while I was zombie, not because I was infected.Ok, enough off topic from me. Cheers!
  3. 1 балл
    Хватит банить , лето на дворе , онлайн и так просидает, ещё из-за мелочи в бан отправлять , предупреждения было бы достаточно , не говоря о гаге и тем более бане
  4. 1 балл
    Axel, you did nothing wrong, let me try to explain to you. You were again banned by mistake, I don't know, you have bad luck here or something else. Vip+ player Evil`one | JESKI wanted to start voteban for a player with the nickname kizaru (STEAM_0:0:1649523609) because of his heavy insults in the chat, Jeski chose this player for sure. But he left the server at the moment when Jeski was choosing the reason for the ban, after that the list of players changed and instead of kizaru you were randomly selected. This is my version of what happened, an unfortunate coincidence. This time it's not my fault but I apologize for the inconvenience caused. Unfortunately, there were no admins on the server to quickly unban you. I also hope admin will ban the real violator for a long time. Cheers
  5. 1 балл
    Бан был выдан по делу вроде как. Если считать все как внизу:) Слово "lul" означает с нидерландского на русский "мудак". За это тебя и забанили. Вряд ли ты хотел написать "lol". Так что думаю ты очень хорошо знаешь за что тебя забанили. **************************************************** Ban was issued in the case. The word "lul" means "asshole" from Dutch to Russian. For this you were banned. It is unlikely that you wanted to write "lol". So I think you know very well why you were banned.
  6. 1 балл
    Я поговорил с ним
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