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Complaint from Only Music

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Stefanov    2
  • Admin / player nickname: Evil One Only Music
  • How it was: This guy slayed me, because I told him that he is a noob. I did it, because he was a passive zombie. Everytime, when I am passive he BANS me without even warning me. He should warn me with slay, before banning.  I have conflicts with this guy for a long time, it started when one day he started flaming me without any reason telling me "noob, bot" and etc. I know that this is not flaming, but it is provocating. I have left the clan because of his provocations. And when someone provocates me, I provocate him too. He doesn't have the RIGHT to slay me without a reason. He can gag/ban me for flaming and etc, but this time I have just told him noob, like him, he says it often to me, but nobody can tell him somethin, he is the "boss". It's stupid situation, I know, but this guy should know that he can't do whatever he wants. PEACE ! 
  • Demo link:  I can not find it, it was around 20:30 today (16.06) on zm_2010. If I find it later, I will upload it. Sorry about it.

Have a nice day! 


EDIT: Here's the demo: https://ndox.abv.bg/download?id=271ad4b2c4

Edited by Stefanov

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only    373
17 минут назад, Stefanov сказал:
  • Admin / player nickname: Evil One Only Music
  • How it was: This guy slayed me, because I told him that he is a noob. I did it, because he was a passive zombie. Everytime, when I am passive he BANS me without even warning me. He should warn me with slay, before banning.  I have conflicts with this guy for a long time, it started when one day he started flaming me without any reason telling me "noob, bot" and etc. I know that this is not flaming, but it is provocating. I have left the clan because of his provocations. And when someone provocates me, I provocate him too. He doesn't have the RIGHT to slay me without a reason. He can gag/ban me for flaming and etc, but this time I have just told him noob, like him, he says it often to me, but nobody can tell him somethin, he is the "boss". It's stupid situation, I know, but this guy should know that he can't do whatever he wants. PEACE ! 
  • Demo link:  I can not find it, it was around 20:30 today (16.06) on zm_2010. If I find it later, I will upload it. Sorry about it.

Have a nice day! 


EDIT: Here's the demo: https://ndox.abv.bg/download?id=271ad4b2c4

Клан ты покинул потому что провоцировал меня и Алину, а точней за свой язык, как и сейчас выхватил слей, в следующий раз, что бы темы для тебя были более весомы, буду выписывать бан за твоё "остроумие".

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Онли а чего ты ему даёшь слэй за слово "нуб" в твою сторону? У тебя есть личная неприязнь? Или всю историю вашу нужно искать в дэмках? 

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only    373
20 минут назад, Killer Brother`s (Bushik) сказал:

Онли а чего ты ему даёшь слэй за слово "нуб" в твою сторону? У тебя есть личная неприязнь? Или всю историю вашу нужно искать в дэмках? 

"Нуб, пасивщик, забань себя, ничего не можешь" для меня,именно  от него это оскорбление, слей как минимум. Он это знал.

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Stefanov    2

"ничего не можешь" ? Really ? Go and check the demo again ;) I haven't said "you can't do nothing".  Minimum? Hhahaha, you are the one who starts conflicts. And yes, I have the right to tell you noob, because you ARE and when you are zombie, you are always PASSIVE. And yes, you should ban yourself, because you break the rules more than the normal players. :)

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pau1o    551

посмотрел демо, на этой карте MBT играл чисто, в чат ничего не писал, за что получил slay мне непонятно //  I watched demo, on this map MBT plays by following the rules,  he didn't write anything to chat, I don't understand why did he get slay 

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pau1o    551
3 минуты назад, n`eat ^ Heaven. сказал:

Чат не отоброжается в основном

тогда смысла в этой демке нету

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Stefanov    2

Please someone to pay attention on the complaint. This admin should be meeker!

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смурф    2,116

MBT: only music bot
MBT: dont be passive zombie
MBT: u should ban urself now noob
Evil`one | Only music: but i can do
MBT: for being passive
MBT: say hello to forum :)

пусть найк собирает с вами конференцию и решает ваши терки, я этим точно заниматься не буду

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MBT с твоей стороны и ранее были провокации за то и покинул клан.

Only нужно было ранее ему гаг впаять , а не slay давать.Будет продолжать - бань.


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