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[N]aruto    84

The game is completely in its original settings. Taken by phone at the time of ban.Could an authorized person other than n1ke be involved in the issue? I think it's a personal grudge.


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You, in your rebuttal, take a video from the side, how you exactly bannyhop, then it will be clearer. And so stupidly nothing is clear from your video.

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[N]aruto    84

here allegedly I am using a bunny cfg. This is the reason why I got banned. I made a video like this to show that I have nothing.



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You do what you're told, and then we'll see what and how. As it is, your videos are useless. God knows what you have in your configs or maybe you use third-party programs at all.

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В 04.12.2022 в 18:52, Evil`one | n1ke сказал:

заранее извиняюсь за лаги


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[N]aruto    84

Are you decrypting Davinci in the video?

Last year, your manager was deleted because of my complaints. I guess your grudge continues. But the interesting thing is that your playing style hasn't changed at all. I have 2 more videos for you tonight. You are Blocking in one. In the other, you don't ban your clan friend who is blocking.
If I go back to the subject, if someone other than Nike is seriously interested in the subject, it will not be bad anymore..

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f1.    351
В 04.12.2022 в 17:55, Evil`one | n1ke сказал:

зря гегемонию развел, элементарный скрипт юзает, по зажиму пробела его увидел) старался не палиться он, пока я под другим ником не зашел, снова забанен

Ты хоть в курсе что такое гегемония?

Я и не утверждал, что он на 100% без какого-либо софта играет, поэтому и спросил что видели по speckeys. Смотрел демки без этого плагина скажем так вслепую (иначе нельзя), тут признаю свою ошибку, по видео на fox без шоукея тоже ни хрена не понятно. На видосе с tonga видно несколько палевных моментов, где JUMP зажат в полёте, но ты найк утверждал именно о скриптах, когда скрипты и макросы не совсем одно и то же, плюс скрипты разные бывают и более очевидные. Бхоп макрос сложно спалить без шоукея, если игрок им не спамит, поэтому у дрездена не было каких-то подозрительных моментов при просмотре. Он не пробел зажимает, а какой-нибудь MOUSE3, на который и назначен макрос, может его как один раз нажать для одиночного прыжка, так и зажимать для серии прыжков в нычке. Я не думаю, что он старался не палиться, просто считает это в порядке вещей.

В правилах сервера ничего не написано про макросы мышки, но согласен, что за них нужно банить. Однако они есть не только на бхоп (дабл/трипл клик, смена dpi, анти-отдача и тд), кто-то в любом случае их у нас на сервере подрубает и обнаружить это ещё сложнее. Игроки всё равно остаются безнаказанными, так что хз.

В cs go макросы мыши это вообще полулегальный чит, vac за них не банит, но от патруля может прилететь блокировка. В том же faceit я слышал макрос на бхоп иногда используют, чтобы дыру на мираже быстро пропрыгнуть.

В 04.12.2022 в 18:12, [N]aruto сказал:

If I remember correctly, I spoke with "смурф" before. He said macro mouse is not forbidden. There is no script that I use. I don't need such things anyway. I'm entering your server just because it's nice to spend time with you, but now there is no pleasure in the game when someone will be banned. 


It's good that you decided to admit to using mouse macros. I don't know what smurf was really telling you but bhop macro is identical to cfg script. In hns and kz servers admins give a ban for this, in cs go you can get a game block (not vac ban). I can show you what unreal things bhop macros can do and I don't think you'll call it normal afterwards.

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[N]aruto    84

Yes, it is in his correspondence from 2 years ago. I corresponded with the nick name Dresden "with смурф". He told me that macromouse is not forbidden, but if you make the delay too fast, the server will automatically detect it as a cheat.
I even wrote an antibunny script for the server. Why would I use it, even though it's one of the things I hate the most? Even though people left the game when andiduck came, I defended that it was beautiful and stayed on the server.

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[N]aruto    84
21 minutes ago, [N]aruto said:

Yes, it is in his correspondence from 2 years ago. I corresponded with the nick name Dresden "with смурф". He told me that macromouse is not forbidden, but if you make the delay too fast, the server will automatically detect it as a cheat.
I even wrote an antibunny script for the server. Why would I use it, even though it's one of the things I hate the most? Even though people left the game when andiduck came, I defended that it was beautiful and stayed on the server.

If this script is used, no human&zombie can use bunny except leaper. I've tested it on a few servers I've set up myself.

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[N]aruto    84
46 minutes ago, ^*Дэдус ;) said:

Are all these forum profiles yours?

  1.  https://evilzomb.ru/profile/3094-uchiha-sasuke/ 
  2. https://evilzomb.ru/profile/2200-naruto/ 

Это один и тот же игрок или это разные люди?

Sasuke: that account was opened to play quietly with a relaxed mind.But once I got access to my main account I didn't need it.

You do this for the people who stay behind in the jump zones on every game, every map, from a to z. I was going to shoot a few more videos, but I didn't care, saying that I would quietly play my own game. I wish I had taken it.

not: I know this is not the place for the video. I should open a new complaint. But I think he should stay here so he can see himself when he's judging me.


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18 минут назад, [N]aruto сказал:

Sasuke: that account was opened to play quietly with a relaxed mind.But once I got access to my main account I didn't need it.

You do this for the people who stay behind in the jump zones on every game, every map, from a to z. I was going to shoot a few more videos, but I didn't care, saying that I would quietly play my own game. I wish I had taken it.

not: I know this is not the place for the video. I should open a new complaint. But I think he should stay here so he can see himself when he's judging me.


Скажите пожалуйста то что Найк так притормаживает и делает вид что он зомби правильно? Не раз за ним такое наблюдал

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19 минут назад, Thomas Shelby сказал:

Скажите пожалуйста то что Найк так притормаживает и делает вид что он зомби правильно? Не раз за ним такое наблюдал

В сентябре моего брата за такое банили, Но по сути это не блок, он всего лишь его напугал и зашёл обратно в ничку, блока тут нету так как он не препятствовал ему и не удержал 

1 час назад, [N]aruto сказал:

Sasuke: that account was opened to play quietly with a relaxed mind.But once I got access to my main account I didn't need it.

Ну как бы это карается блокировкой предыдущего аккаунта и наказанием действующего аккаунта, мне тоже старый аккаунт заблокировали

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2 часа назад, [N]aruto сказал:

Sasuke: that account was opened to play quietly with a relaxed mind.But once I got access to my main account I didn't need it.

You do this for the people who stay behind in the jump zones on every game, every map, from a to z. I was going to shoot a few more videos, but I didn't care, saying that I would quietly play my own game. I wish I had taken it.

not: I know this is not the place for the video. I should open a new complaint. But I think he should stay here so he can see himself when he's judging me.


чел, не знаю что тебе там смурф сказал,но макросы у нас запрещены всегда были и будут (было бы неплохо,если бы Тема тут отписался) .я всегда таких "существ" буду банить.

если ты пытаешься найти мои моменты где якобы я кого-то блочил , которые не  относятся к данной теме,то создавай другую тему. ты уже пытаешься метаться из крайности в крайность.

пока ты не перестанешь это использовать,я буду банить до тех пор пока не поймёшь. поскольку ответ на твой вопрос уже прозвучал

ps don't use macros

pss [#1:] It is strictly forbidden to use cheats and scripts that give an advantage in the gameplay.

psss use translater


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[N]aruto    84
1 hour ago, Thomas Shelby said:

Скажите пожалуйста то что Найк так притормаживает и делает вид что он зомби правильно? Не раз за ним такое наблюдал

Yes. Block is showing a fake stance because he can't do it anyway. And since he always waits for a little bit at the tip of the jumping places, when the next person jumps, he falls to the ground.I've seen this many times.


1 hour ago, ^*Дэдус ;) said:

В сентябре моего брата за такое банили, Но по сути это не блок, он всего лишь его напугал и зашёл обратно в ничку, блока тут нету так как он не препятствовал ему и не удержал 

Ну как бы это карается блокировкой предыдущего аккаунта и наказанием действующего аккаунта, мне тоже старый аккаунт заблокировали

According to your logic, I have the right to wait in these two places until people reach me? If you are aware, everyone is running away as nike zombies in the video, including me.


26 minutes ago, Evil`one | n1ke said:

чел, не знаю что тебе там смурф сказал,но макросы у нас запрещены всегда были и будут (было бы неплохо,если бы Тема тут отписался) .я всегда таких "существ" буду банить.

если ты пытаешься найти мои моменты где якобы я кого-то блочил , которые не  относятся к данной теме,то создавай другую тему. ты уже пытаешься метаться из крайности в крайность.

пока ты не перестанешь это использовать,я буду банить до тех пор пока не поймёшь. поскольку ответ на твой вопрос уже прозвучал

ps don't use macros

pss [#1:] It is strictly forbidden to use cheats and scripts that give an advantage in the gameplay.

psss use translater


Ok, we have a deal with you. You say macromouse is forbidden. When I talked about the same issue with '' смурф '' 2 years ago, he said that it was not forbidden. Well, if the macromouse is not banned, what will you do in return for the bans you throw?
Conversations are available. I threw the same logitech screen into '' смурф '' 2 or 3 years ago.

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42 минуты назад, [N]aruto сказал:

Yes. Block is showing a fake stance because he can't do it anyway. And since he always waits for a little bit at the tip of the jumping places, when the next person jumps, he falls to the ground.I've seen this many times.

В данном случае никто не упал из-за него, спрыгнули все сами умышленно думая что там зомби, но это не считается блоком. Он просто напугал всех, якобы он инфицирован.

45 минут назад, [N]aruto сказал:

According to your logic, I have the right to wait in these two places until people reach me? If you are aware, everyone is running away as nike zombies in the video, including me.

Если логически размышлять, там можно и пару секунд подождать, тем не менее можно на ступеньках некоторое время продержаться. Психическое давление никто не запретил пока немерее.

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f1.    351
22 часа назад, [N]aruto сказал:

Yes, it is in his correspondence from 2 years ago. I corresponded with the nick name Dresden "with смурф". He told me that macromouse is not forbidden, but if you make the delay too fast, the server will automatically detect it as a cheat.
I even wrote an antibunny script for the server. Why would I use it, even though it's one of the things I hate the most? Even though people left the game when andiduck came, I defended that it was beautiful and stayed on the server.

You easy do bhop as a human and as a grotesque with the macro button pressed, in flight for the grotesque you don't remove your finger from the button which means that the delay you set in the macro is fast enough, otherwise the macro will be useless. Your bhop is automated by a third party software, whether it affects the game files or not. It's forbidden to use any kind of software somehow facilitate/automate the game process as if the computer is playing instead of you. Mouse software is only allowed to improve comfort, use new binds and change dpi for sensitivity. That's all. CS game doesn't consider bhop with only one key pressed, it's a sequence of your own actions/presses, and this is not a bug. Therefore, the fact that you try to bypass this system is considered illegal. Cfg scripts work in the same way. If smurf told you mousemacros aren't forbidden then I'm a bit disappointed in him.

What do you think about other macros? Will it be fair if I use a macro for anti-recoil weapons and the spread of bullets becomes less? Or is it allowed to use MSL so that my strafes are  perfectly equal for a longer jump? Can I do 360 noscope awp by pressing just one bind with a macro? Macros can automate a lot of things in games so the good people on their own servers block this way of cheating.

P.s. You wrote an antibunny script but you use macros. Sounds funny. Antiduck doesn't restrict the use of mouse macros for bhop. Bhop is jumping, not ducks. But it's also possible to make macros using ducks via mousewheel for ddrun or sgs. With this macro I will easily move around the map at the speed of a formula 1 car.

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[N]aruto    84
27 minutes ago, Ingvarr said:

Makro düğmesine basarak insan ve grotesk olarak kolayca bhop yapabilirsiniz, grotesk için uçuşta parmağınızı düğmeden çekmezsiniz, bu da makroda ayarladığınız gecikmenin yeterince hızlı olduğu anlamına gelir, aksi takdirde makro işe yaramaz olmak Bhop'unuz, oyun dosyalarını etkilesin ya da etkilemesin, üçüncü taraf bir yazılım tarafından otomatikleştirilir. Sanki sizin yerinize bilgisayar oynuyormuşçasına oyun sürecini kolaylaştıran/otomatikleştiren herhangi bir yazılım kullanmak yasaktır. Fare yazılımının yalnızca konforu artırmasına, yeni bağlamalar kullanmasına ve hassasiyet için dpi'yi değiştirmesine izin verilir. Bu kadar. CS oyunu, yalnızca bir tuşa basıldığında bhop'u düşünmez, bu sizin kendi hareketlerinizin/basışlarınızın bir dizisidir ve bu bir hata değildir. Bu nedenle, bu sistemi atlamaya çalışmanız yasa dışı kabul edilir. Cfg betikleri aynı şekilde çalışır.

Diğer makrolar hakkında ne düşünüyorsunuz? Geri tepme önleyici silahlar için bir makro kullansam ve mermilerin yayılması daha az olsa adil olur mu? Veya daha uzun bir sıçrama için atışlarımın tamamen eşit olması için MSL kullanmasına izin veriliyor mu? Bir makro ile sadece bir bağlama basarak 360 noscope awp yapabilir miyim? Makrolar oyunlarda bir çok şeyi otomatikleştirebildiği için kendi sunucularındaki iyi insanlar bu şekilde hile yapılmasını engeller.

Not: Antibunny betiği yazmışsın ama makro kullanıyorsun. Kulağa komik geliyor. Antiduck, bhop için fare makrolarının kullanımını kısıtlamaz. Bhop zıplıyor, ördek değil. Ancak, ddrun veya sgs için fare tekerleği aracılığıyla ördekleri kullanarak makrolar yapmak da mümkündür. Bu makro ile formül 1 arabası hızında haritada kolayca dolaşacağım.

You're right, macromouse makes it easy. So it should be banned as a rule. Otherwise I shouldn't be penalized for something I've been told is not forbidden.

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2 часа назад, [N]aruto сказал:

You're right, macromouse makes it easy. So it should be banned as a rule. Otherwise I shouldn't be penalized for something I've been told is not forbidden.

They are now explaining to you that this is not a fair game, scripts have always been banned. Just delete this script and let us know and maybe today / tomorrow you will be unban. If this violation is repeated, applications will not be considered.

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[N]aruto    84
1 hour ago, ^*Дэдус ;) said:

They are now explaining to you that this is not a fair game, scripts have always been banned. Just delete this script and let us know and maybe today / tomorrow you will be unban. If this violation is repeated, applications will not be considered.

Here, the issue is long past whether the ban is lifted or not. The problem is; My reason for ban is "abh" I don't have this and I just add jump in macromouse. I also talked to the server head admin in a pictured way. A lot of people are using macromouse on the server. Especially look at those who jump like acrobats, everyone knows that it is not possible to reach that level with a mouse ball.

if i was told it is not forbidden. If another admin uses this as an excuse and removes me from the server, there is a problem.

Изменено пользователем [N]aruto

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1 час назад, [N]aruto сказал:

Here, the issue is long past whether the ban is lifted or not. The problem is; My reason for ban is "abh" I don't have this and I just add jump in macromouse. I also talked to the server head admin in a pictured way. A lot of people are using macromouse on the server. Especially look at those who jump like acrobats, everyone knows that it is not possible to reach that level with a mouse ball.

if i was told it is not forbidden. If another admin uses this as an excuse and removes me from the server, there is a problem.

If you don't want to give up your micromouse, sit further in the bath. The point is not that Artyom told you 2-3 years ago that the micromouse is allowed, but that at the moment it is prohibited and is considered as a script.

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f1.    351
В 15.12.2022 в 17:14, [N]aruto сказал:

Here, the issue is long past whether the ban is lifted or not. The problem is; My reason for ban is "abh" I don't have this and I just add jump in macromouse. I also talked to the server head admin in a pictured way. A lot of people are using macromouse on the server. Especially look at those who jump like acrobats, everyone knows that it is not possible to reach that level with a mouse ball.

if i was told it is not forbidden. If another admin uses this as an excuse and removes me from the server, there is a problem.

I guess you still don't understand that a macromouse is a kind of autobhop which is forbidden. If you think one of the players is using macros or other cheats then just create a complaint or ask the admin to follow the suspect. I will suggest to the main admins to add words about macros in the server rules section. If after that you are again noticed in using a macro, you will get a ban for one month.

I'm not sure if our server's anti-cheat defense detects macro jumps as cheat usage but this is a good reason to check it out :devil:

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[N]aruto    84

After banning someone 3 times, the rule is not added. First the rule is added, then you are banned if it is not followed. 
yes, macromouse is added to the rules now. 
But when I was banned, it was not in the rules and as I have said many times, the owner of the server told me that it was not prohibited. And I asked again and again, are you banning me because of the macromouse? There was no answer given. I was banned for 10 days and added to the rules.
I have now removed the macromouse. But all these actions done to me are a great injustice.
You could have at least contacted Smurf and asked and made it clear that the program was now banned.
It's the same as treating me like a fool. If I knew it was forbidden, I wouldn't use it anyway and why should I post a picture and ask?

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f1.    351
В 21.12.2022 в 16:57, [N]aruto сказал:

After banning someone 3 times, the rule is not added. First the rule is added, then you are banned if it is not followed. 
yes, macromouse is added to the rules now. 

Sorry for the late reply but i have to close this thread.

Let's be honest, when with speckeys command the admin sees jump button is active all the time during your bhop (doesn't blink), he won't think about what is kind of cheat software (script or macro) but he will simply ban you at the same second. And you yourself admitted macros are one of the types of cheats and its forbidden. Not only you, most players know this. Maybe it's the mistake of the head administration that they forgot to mention macros in the server rules but many types of cheats can be long listed in the rules. There are a lot of rules and they should be briefly described.

В 21.12.2022 в 16:57, [N]aruto сказал:

I have now removed the macromouse. But all these actions done to me are a great injustice.
You could have at least contacted Smurf and asked and made it clear that the program was now banned.
It's the same as treating me like a fool. If I knew it was forbidden, I wouldn't use it anyway and why should I post a picture and ask?

It's interesting that smurf had a completely opposite opinion about macros over a year ago . He said this in our telegram chat in which there are many other admins, they also saw his message. So why should admins have doubts because of you after this? Also smurf has never publicly told us macros are legal in the server.

Conversation for August 13, 2021 :


I think there is no point in further discussion. If you need an exact translation of the text from my screenshot I can send it to you in pm.

Topic closed.

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